Transform Old Air Conditioner into New AC

    While looking at the weather patterns, you may be sweating, as we are rapidly approaching the scorching summer this April. Your Old AC may keep you cool for a while, but what happens if it’s not ready to face the heat? How can you combat the ever-rising temperatures? How can you combat the ever-rising temperatures? In this blog, we have covered some tips using which you can easily transform old air conditioner into New AC.

    If you’re relying on your old ac to keep you cool this summer, you may want to consider AC Maintenance Services regularly. Since old ACs tend to be less efficient and may not be able to handle the heat as well as a New AC.

    This blog will offer you an insight into some of the most concrete steps that you can take to transform your Old Air Conditioner into New Energy Efficient AC. No matter what the weather is, these 5 tips will increase the cooling efficiency of your AC. 

    5 Phenomenal Tips To Transform Your Old Air Conditioner Into New Energy Efficient AC

    Transform Old Air Conditioner into New AC
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    1: Book AC Service a Couple of Months before the Summer Season:

    Scheduling an AC Servicing Session from a Reliable AC Service Provider is one of the best & easiest actions you can take right now. Regular AC Servicing extends the lifespan of your AC and saves you a ton of your hard-earned money. You should book an Advanced AC Service like Hydrocleen AC Service to ensure optimal cooling and extended shelf life.

    HydroCleen AC Service, a 3-step process that renews your AC in terms of its looks & performance. It eliminates Dirt, Dust & Allergens, thereby improves your home’s Indoor Air Quality. Moreover, it performs Carbon Removal from the Copper & Aluminium Coils of your AC, which extends your AC’s lifespan. 

    2: Consider Re-installing to transform your Old Air Conditioner into new AC:

    Improper AC installation can lead to a significant reduction in the cooling efficiency of your AC unit. Moreover, there’s uneven cooling, with some areas of the room being too cold, while others remain too warm. Thus, it’s important to get your AC installed from a professional AC Engineer for improved cooling efficiency & energy consumption.

    Infact, if your AC’s Cooling is like an Old AC, then it might be because your AC is poorly installed. So you should get your AC Installation Position examined and Re-install it if necessary. This step may help you transform your old air conditioner into new energy efficient AC.

    3: Power-up your AC’s Cooling Capacity with Gas Filling Service

    The cooling efficiency of an AC largely is directly dependent on the level of refrigerant present in the HVAC system. Improper AC Installation and/or Leakages are cited as some of the most common reasons of Low Gas Levels within an AC.  

    If the gas level is low, the AC struggles in maintaining the desired temperature and its cooling capacity will degrade. It’s vital to check your AC’s gas levels regularly and refill it if necessary to ensure that your AC operates at it’s peak efficiency & provides optimal cooling performance.

    Thus it becomes very crucial for you to book AC Gas Filling Service from a Reliable AC Maintenance Service Provider. More importantly, it’s important for you to seek 100% Genuine AC Gas Filling Service. Ingenuine Gas Filling Service can be hazardous for your loved ones & may trigger an AC Blast.

    Check out our Blog – Everything You Ought to Know About AC Gas Filling

    4: Schedule Periodic AC Check-ups to transform your Old Air Conditioner into new AC

    If you’re someone who thinks that AC Check-ups don’t serve any purpose. then you are wrong. AC Check-ups significantly reduce the cooling efficiency of an AC. In fact, avoiding Regular AC Check-ups is the primary reason why minor AC issues pile up and makes your AC perform like an Old AC.

    Regular AC checkups help in identifying any potential issues with the system before they turn into major problems. These checkups involve a thorough inspection of the AC unit, including the compressor, evaporator coil, condenser coil, and refrigerant levels. By addressing any small issues before they escalate, regular checkups prevent major breakdowns and malfunctions.

    We often undervalue the importance of periodic AC Check-ups in keeping our AC Healthy & highlighting our AC’s issues. It serves as a preventative measure, which helps stop Breakdowns & Malfunctioning, that too at a nominal cost of ₹299*

    Additionally, they offer effective solutions for common AC problems such as foul smell, noise, water leaks and short cycling (AC turning on & off in a loop).

    5: Consider buying Comprehensive AC AMC Plan:

    AC AMC Plans magically improves your AC’s Cooling Efficiency since they offer you Regular, Free of Cost AC Services. Regular AC Maintenance Assurance and Packaged Pricing offer you an amazing Value for Money.  They can help you identify & resolve your AC’s existing issues before they cause a bigger problem in your AC. Additionally, it ensures that all your AC’s parts are clean and fully functional, which helps your AC operate much more efficiently.

    AC AMC Plans eliminate unnecessary major repair and replacements and magically transforms your old air conditioner into new energy efficient ac. Moreover, they add longevity to the life of your AC. Moreover, They often offer priority service and free of cost AC Repair Services, which can save you money and minimize downtime.


    It’s crucial for you to note that your AC System consists of many moving, mechanical and electrical parts. They are naturally prone to wear out if left untreated. Regular AC Maintenance helps you improve your AC’s performance and reduces the scope of your AC breaking down. Moreover, it adds longevity to the lifespan of your AC & its parts.

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