5 Common Air Conditioner Myths That You Think Are True

    It can be difficult to make sense of all the information out there about air conditioning (AC). With the summer months fast approaching, it is especially important to make sure you have the right knowledge that will help you make the best decision for your home and family. To help you out, we’ve created a list of some of the most common Air Conditioner myths floating around. Knowing the truth behind these myths can help you make sure you’re getting the most out of your cooling system. So let’s take a look at some of these Air Conditioner myths and bust them once and for all!

    Air Conditioner Myths Busted
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    Air Conditioner Myths Debunked

    1. Using Air Conditioner Causes Cold

    When it comes to myths about AC, one of the most common Air Conditioner Myths is that it can cause colds. It is a misconception, as air conditioning does not directly contribute to colds. However, the cold temperatures produced by air conditioning might cause the body to become more susceptible to cold viruses, leading to an increased risk of getting sick.

    The reality is that ACs do not directly cause colds. It does not contain any of the viruses that cause colds, nor does it make them more contagious. But, in order for you to avoid getting sick from your air conditioner, it is important for you not sit or stand in front of your AC for too long. It can cause your body to become cold and more susceptible to catching a cold virus.

    Also Read: AC 7 Surprising AC Health Benefits for Old People to learn about AC Health Benefits.

    2. AC Maintenance Expenses = Waste Of Money

    Are you someone who believe that servicing your Air Conditioner is a waste of money? If so, you’re not alone. It is one of the most common Air Conditioner Myths in the market. However, you should keep it in mind that Regular AC Service is essential in order to keep it running properly. In fact this can actually save you a ton of money in the long run.

    Regular AC service helps to keep your AC running at its optimal performance. If your AC system is not serviced regularly, it can lead to a buildup of dirt, dust, and debris in the system. This can cause a number of problems, including clogs, leaks, and other costly damages.

    With Regular AC Servicing, you can keep your AC system clean and running at its best, which will help to keep your energy costs down. In fact with Regular Ac service you can reduce these risks and prevent costly repairs.

    3. Bigger AC = Better AC

    Another addition to the list of Air Conditioner Myths is that bigger is better. This simply isn’t true. In fact, size is just one of the many factors that should be taken into consideration when buying an AC. A larger AC unit may produce more cooling power, but it’s not necessarily more efficient.

    In fact, larger ACs tend to be less efficient and cost more to run than smaller units. In order for you to determine the right size of AC for your home, you should take into account- the room size, the number of windows and types of insulation used in the walls. A larger AC won’t necessarily cool the room more quickly or effectively; it could even cause the room to become too cold, which can be uncomfortable and unhealthy.

    4. Turning On Ceiling Fan Interrupts Your AC’s Cooling

    Another addition to the list of Air Conditioner Myths is that AC does not cool the room that well if the ceiling fan is running. This is simply false, in fact the combination of AC & a ceiling fan can help you create a more comfortable environment.
    Air conditioning systems work by taking in warm air, cooling it, and then blowing it back out into the room. This process helps to lower the temperature of the air, but only in the immediate vicinity of the AC unit.
    A ceiling fan, on the other hand, works by circulating the air in the room, allowing it to spread out and cool down the entire space.

    5. AC’s Are Meant To Be Used During Summer Only

    This is False, as ACs are primarily designed to condition the air (irrespective of the season). During summer season, they work to cool the air inside your home. Similarly while in the winter months, they work to dehumidify the air. By reducing the humidity in your home, air conditioners make the air more comfortable during the winter months.
    Although running your air conditioner during winter months may seem counterintuitive, it can actually be very beneficial. Not only does it reduce the humidity in your home, but it also helps to improve air quality. With reduced humidity, there is less opportunity for dust, pollen, and other allergens to collect in the air, making it easier to breathe.


    Were you familiar with any of these Air Conditioner Myths and Facts? From the early days of electric fans to modern, Central AC systems, AC has come a long way. There are a number of myths that people mistakenly consider to be facts. Don’t let these myths tip you in the wrong direction. If you have any more questions about air conditioning myths, mention them in the comment section below. In case you are looking forward to booking affordable & reliable AC Services, then book We4U India’s AC Maintenance Services.

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