Nearly every single wet appliance you use on a daily basis, leaks. This can be seen in air conditioning units. When you notice your AC leaking water, you should act quickly before it escalates into a repair. This leakage not only deteriorates your AC performance but also degrades the appearance of your house. Here are 10 causes behind your AC leaking water.

10 reasons your AC leaking water
Your Air filter is clogged
The air filter in your air conditioner is the most crucial component that must be checked on a frequent basis. When dirt builds on an air filter, the required airflow cannot reach the evaporator coil, causing it to freeze. Hence, the AC unit may leak water as a result of the drain pan being unable to contain the excess water that falls.
Broken condensing pump
The faulty condenser pump is the main cause of the AC unit leaking water. Pour some water into the condenser pan to test it; if it cannot pump the extra water out, look for an electrical source. If both of those results are positive, the pump needs to be serviced because it is damaged.
AC leaking water due to moisture
When the seals deteriorate or looses, warm air enters the air conditioner and condenses with the cold air to produce moisture, which leads to water leakage. The effectiveness of the seals may impact the unit’s efficiency, thus care should be given to them.
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The drain pipe is obstructed
Sometimes dirt or debris might clog the drain line of the air conditioner unit. To fix the air conditioner water Leakage in this situation, all you have to do is to clean it.
AC installation is flawed
Home AC leaks may also be caused by improper installation. Periodically, AC leaking water problems may arise if the AC expert does not install the AC unit properly. Fixing AC installation is a challenging task that takes a lot of expertise. Don’t entrust unprofessional or untrained professionals with your air conditioner system.
AC condenser coil leakage
Condenser coil leakage may be the cause of AC leaking water. Condenser coils may freeze due to filter clogging, and when they melt, more water may continue to drain.
The overflow pan is busted
Another potential cause of AC leaking water is a damaged pan. If the evaporator coil collects dirt and is not serviced soon, the polluted water will flow onto the pan and cause additional harm.
Cold Temperature Weather
The AC will release excess moisture whenever the temperature decreases outside. This denotes that your AC leaks water inside and gets piled up. Water gradually starts spilling outside, if the temperature continues to increase.
Too tight a seal around the vents
When the vents become obstructed, there is too much pressure, which leads to water leaking from the appliance. To prevent too much pressure, make sure the room doesn’t have any closed AC vents.
AC seals need to be replaced
An excess of hot air will enter if the AC seals are not installed correctly. Warm air interacting with cold air inside the unit will produce moisture, which will start to form as water and may cause the AC unit to leak.
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